¿Dudas de gramática inglesa...?

Necesito saber cómo expresar medios de transporte en inglés no sé si se dice means of transport o Transports porque lo he visto de las dos maneras. Después también intenté hacer unos ejercicios de gramática y no sé si los tengo bien, ayudadme please:

-Consiste en expresar la misma idea de la primera frase que propongo pero usando otra expresión (mi versión es la segunda después de la flecha, pero no sé si está bien...)

1) Ann does not often eat turkey -> It's unusual to her/Ann to eat turkey.

2) He wants to visit Poland instead of Sweden -> He would rather visit Polland.

3) Whose this car? She asked. -> Who wns this car to? she asked.

4) It's a waste of time to ask for a pay rise. -> There is no point in asking for a pay rise.

5) I'm sorry, I cannot give you a lift. -> I'm sorry but it's difficult for me to give you a lift.

Thanks beforehand.


  • la tercera es:

    whose car is this?

    las demas estan bien.

  • supongo que cuando estas hablando de uno especifico se dice en singular (my mean of transport is the bus) y el plural se usa cuando hablas en general (Means of Transports are ver importan).

    lo de abajo, supongo que deberias escribir:(respuestas)

    1)it's unusual to see her eating turkey

    2)esta esta correcta pero mejor como los comparas a los dos, mejor al final pones "than Sweden"

    3)who OWNS this car?she asked. es mejor que no uses "to" porque "to" mas bien se usa como para cuando t dan algo. (this car belongs TO me)

    4)CORRECTA (tambien puedes usar "meaningless" o "senseless" pero esta correcta)

    5)CORRECTA (tambien puedes decir "i'm not able to give you a lift, pero esta bien)

    espero haberte ayudado!!!!!!!! BESOZZZ

  • 1. Ann doesn't often eat turkey ..... o Ann doesn't usually eat turkey

    2. He wants visit Poland instead Sweden... He has rather visit Poland than visit Sweden

    3.Whose is this car? She ask.... Who is the owner this car? ... la vdd no lo supe escribir bien pero segun yo es owner

    4. It's bad idea asking for a pay rise

    5. I'm sorry, It's difficult for me give you a lift

  • Hola, ziszas...

    Puede ser

    means of transport o means of transportation o transports

    1) Ann does not often eat turkey -> It's unusual to her/Ann to eat turkey.

    1) It's unusual for Ann to eat turkey (It's unusual for her to eat turkey).

    2) He wants to visit Poland instead of Sweden -> He would rather visit Polland.

    2) Correcto. También, He prefers to visit Poland.

    3) Whose this car? She asked. -> Who wns this car to? she asked.

    3) La primera frase tiene mas sentido cuando se incluye "is".

    Whose is this car? o Whose car is this?

    Tu intento es correcto menos la "to": Who owns this car? she asked.

    4) It's a waste of time to ask for a pay rise. -> There is no point in asking for a pay rise.

    4) Correcto. También, It's pointless to ask for a pay rise.

    Aviso: pay rise (UK); pay raise (EEUU).

    5) I'm sorry, I cannot give you a lift. -> I'm sorry but it's difficult for me to give you a lift.

    5) I'm sorry, but I'm unable to give you a lift, o I regret not being able to give you a lift, o I regret that I cannot give you a lift.

    Espero que te sirva/Hope this helps.

  • Es means of transport. Y se usan con BY... By car

    By bus

    By train ...

    2) He would rather visit Poland than Sweden.

    3) Reported speech: She asked whose car was that.

  • means of transport

  • Se puedes decir Ways of Transport

    1) It's unusual to her

    3) Who belongs this car?

    4) I don't bother asking a pay rise.

    Las otras estan bien


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