How do I delete a folder named Program in "C:"?

Every attempt I make at deleting, renaming or removing the file results in this message "This action cannot be completed because the folder or file is open in another program"

- I have tried using MoveOnBootup to delete the file, however it does not recognize the folder.

- I have tried deleting the file through the command prompt however I received the message "access denied"

I could not figure out how to open the command prompt on bootup for my Dell computer that runs Windows 7. I read that you have to press F8 during startup, but pressing F8 does nothing for me.

Also, when my computer restarts it recommends that I rename the folder "C:\Program" to "C:\Program1" but when I accept the prompt it says that the folder is already open. help meee.


  • You shouldn't delete files on the root path.

    But if you do know what you're doing, boot into safemode with command prompt. As an administrator, use taskkill.exe to terminate dwm.exe and del -s -f C:/Program/

    To delete c:/ program, forcefully, omitting system files. Drop the -s flag if necessary.

    Good luck.


    DEL -s -f C:/PROGRAM && TASKKILL /im "dwm.exe" /f /t

  • Ha... Just right Q.... This was once a trick we used to ask in institution time, here you go .. It is not that bizarre. 'con' is a reserved word from the historical DOS days, without difficulty meaning 'console'. If you desired to create a brand new text file in DOS you would form 'copy con newfile.Txt' which means replica from the console to newfile.Txt. This is able to help you kind some lines and while you ended the file with ^Z (DOSish for 'end of file') you would have a file known as newfile.Txt containing some thing you wrote within the console. That is indeed still feasible within the home windows XP console, and may you see what mess it would reason if you let documents or folders have the title 'con'? What would 'reproduction con newfile.Txt' then mean? BSOD? Giving this record of other DOS gadgets that can not be used as folder names: CON, PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9. Hope you get it.

  • Only possible way is to reinstall you windows. Best of luck

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