Moral dilemma help?

I own a mid sized furniture shop (roughly 10 employees now) - I'm hiring a cashier, but expects him/her to do some other work (eg: stacking shelves, checking inventory, helping customers to carry items to their cars etc)

I rejected two people that I feel particularly bad of

A is disabled - he's unable to walk - with his disability he can still be a cashier - but he probably can't do any of the other stuff listed above

B is a young lady - she's really physically weak - she can hardly lift her own handbag - she hates being dirty etc etc

She'll have no problem being a cashier but I don't think I can rely on her to do any of those "other stuff"

Am I discriminating against them? Is it right?


  • This sounds suspiciously like a homework assignment.

  • You should add to your job description something like requires physical work, carrying items weighing x lbs, that kind of thing. This would discourage disabled folks who cannot lift, etc from applying.

    I'm a woman. I look weak. I hate being dirty, but for work, I'll get dirty and I'm alot stronger than I look.

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