Aggressive fish problem?

So I bought a 10 gallon tank...and got a blue gourami, two black neon tetras, and two black tetras. Everything was going great until I left for a week and set up an automatic fish feeder. I came back to a larger gourami and 4 terrorized fish. The gourami became incredibly aggressive while I was gone. So basically this fish has killed off the population, and there is nothing I can do about it. Heres my question.

Is ten gallons enough for 1 blue gourami (was recently criticized for the original population)? I'm fine with just having one fish..obviously he wants it that way.

Will the fish be totally satisfied living by itself?

Will it attack snails?



  • sorry about your loss

    if you're talking about a regular gourami, sorry to tell ya, but the others where right

    they need to be in at least a 20 gallon tank

    if it's a dwarf gourami, the 10 gallon tank would be fine

    with no other fish in there you can leave him, even if it's a regular one

    if you want other fish though, make sure you upgrade

    no, it won't attack snails

  • eliminate the aggressive fish and take him decrease back to the centre you got him and clarify you may no longer keep him as he's agressive and it incredibly is inhumane and risking the wellbeing of your different fish. that's what i could do and what I certainly have been informed to do if a fish doesnt settle. its extra effective to your oscars and pleco and its fairer for the fish. perhaps he feels threatened or is attacking extremely than be attacked. or in line with hazard its the breeds clashing. i cant help there because of the fact im no longer an expert yet i understand oscars are fairly non violent even even with the undeniable fact that they are meat eaters if i'm exact? mealworms and stuff? so take the fish decrease back or isolate it for a whilst. or in case you hate it extraordinarily, flush it may be the respond from some human beings.

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