Maths problem, help!?

Hi im struggling wit this Q,

here is goes.

In year 2, the income was 25% higher than year 1 = £2,000,000 and ticketing accounted for 10% of the income

what about the value in £ of ticketing be in year 1, if ticketing was 12.5% of the income(in year 1)

Im getting different answers e.g. 300,00 / 500,00.

pls go easy as im not good in maths,

my way in working it out, is to deduct 25% of 2million= 1.5 and work out 12.5 % of that


  • Hi,

    I'm not sure if I understand your question. This is the way I am reading it:

    In year 2, the income was 25% higher than it was in year 1. In year 2 income was £2,000,000.

    If ticketing was 12.5% of the income in year 1, what was the value in £ of ticketing in year 1?

    If this is correct, then here is the solution:

    Since income was 25% higher in year 2, it was 125% of the previous year's income. This would give the equation:

    1.25x = 2,000,000 where x is year 1's income.

    x = £1,600,000 This was the income for year 1.

    Then, if ticketing was 12.5% of the income in year one, then

    .125(£1,600,000) = £200,000

    £200,000 is the value of ticketing in year 1.

    I hope that's correct and that it helps!! :-)

  • you can't just deduct 25% from 2 million to get the income from year one. you have to do a bit of trial and error because 2 000 000 - 25% is not the same as x + 25%.

    You find eventually that the year one income is 1.6 million

    (1.6 million +25%=2 million) then you can do 12.5 percent of that which so happens to be 200 000.

    Therefore, the answer is the value of ticketing in year one is 200 000 pounds.

  • Ur way is wrong

    correct way is:

    In year 2, the income was 25% higher than year 1

    income in year 2 =£2,000,000

    Let income in year 1=x

    so £2,000,000 =125% x

    x= £1,600,000

    so ticketing =12.5% of £1,600,000


  • First outline what you know:

    Year1 = z

    Year1Tix = 12.5% z

    Year2 = Year1 (z) x 125% = 2M

    Year2Tix = 10% x 2M = 200k

    The item with the most data is Year2, where we know the percent increase over Year1 and total monies 2M. So we can solve for Year 1 (z) by rearanging:

    Year1(z) = 2M / 125% = 1.6M

    So Year1 monies was 1.6M, then you can solve for Year1Tix:

    1.6M x 12.5% = 200k

    Your way is losing 100k because you can't just take 25% of 2M you need to find out what number increased by 25% gives you 2M which is 160k.

    Make sense? Hope this helps ...

  • Year 2 income = £2 million- 10% of £2 million = £200,000

    25% of £2 million = £500,000.

    £2million minus £500,000 = £1500,000

    12.5% of £1500,000 = £187,500 (12.5% is also one-eighth)

    So the ticketing value in year 1 was £1500,000- £187,500 =


  • your error is to assume that adding 25% then deducting 25% brings you back to the starting point.

    if you want to know the income in year one, you need to multiply the income in year 2 by 100/125

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