Neural tube defects?

My doctor has sugjested doing the Neural tube defect test, She told me it was my choice if i wanted the test done or not. She said the the test are not always accurate so im wondering if it is even worth it to get them if they mght not be correct. I would spend my whole pregnancy wondering if the made a mistake or not. Your thoughts please on weather it worth it to have these test done


I would not terminate my pregnacy regardless of what the test showed


  • The neural tube defect test is accurate in that it helps to determine who should have additional testing. Yes, it's up to you. If you would not terminate the pregnancy if you had poor prenatal results, then there is no reason to do so. Any serious NTDs will eventually show up on an ultrasound alerting the doctor to a change in the delivery plan. If you would terminate if there were poor prenatal results, then take the test, knowing that even if it is positive, it is not that likely you will actually have a baby with a serious NTD (according to Web MD, only 10% of those who test positive have a problem with further testing).

  • I chose to take the test, not that it would of made a difference. I would have kept and loved my baby regardless. My friend just had a baby a month ago that has down syndrome. She did not take any test and has been in shock ever since. The initial test is not conclusive, but upon further investigation you can find out for sure. Just personal preference.

  • I never had any of the tests like this done. I just felt that no matter what my baby was like, I was going to love him and want him. My doctor tried to make me do one of the tests also, but I refused. There are valid reasons for wanting to do the tests, but personally the tests were not for me.

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