Most disturbing, gross, depressing novel you've ever read?

Please for the love of jeebus don't say american psycho.. I've read it and thought it was hilarious. I honestly couldn't stop laughing the whole time, when he severed the escorts head and walked around with it dangling from he wiener, lololol priceless. I want a truly gross novel, something I gag while reading.. not laugh. Books I've read that haven't disturbed me (so please don't recommend them)

american psycho, the giver, party monster, the road, cujo, Gerald's game, insomnia, hunger games, battle royal, lolita, It, running with scissors, fahrenheit 451, the hot zone.

I want to read cows, the wasp factory, house of leaves, the haunted, hogg, blood meridian,

Which others should I read?


  • Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee

    Blindness by Jose Saramago

    Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

    Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller

    The 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade (Marquis de Sade books are even a bit too disturbing for me).

    Justine by Marquis de Sade

    Perfume by Patrick Suskind

    The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosiński

    We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver

    Glamorama by Brett Easton Ellis

    Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk

    Some of these were so disturbing I had a hard time reading them. I don't read Marquis de Sade books, they're just not for me. It's just too easy to relate to and horrifying. I love horror stories, but I do draw a line.

  • "Story of Cinderella - Prank Alert!!"

    World's nastiest/grossest book -


    Do you want to play prank on your friends?

    Are you desperate to take revenge from an enemy of yours?

    Do you want to test your puke threshold?

    What if I tell you that you can do it all by reading/sharing/gifting this book

    with your people.

    This book is sure to make you vomit...repeatedly!

    Side effects of this book -

    You might lose your appetite.

    You might develop Genophobia (sex phobia).

    You might not be able to study/work/ focus on your family for a long time.

    You might fall ill due to excessive vomiting.

  • I read a short story called, "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream". It probably won't make you gag. That just made me feel awful at the end. I read profiles of serial killers and those disturb me. Albert Fish was the worse.

  • Rescue Dawn

  • The girl next door by Jack Ketchum one of the worst books ever written.

    Seriously look into it, it is pretty bad. It tops a lot of sickest books ever lists, that is why i bought it.

  • The Federal Budget, oh sorry, thats not a novel. lol

  • The bible

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