braces painful?
hello to all....i'm going to do my braces next thursday...i'm not really scared...but i wnat to know how the pain feels like....when the doctor is putting the metal and wire through it doesnt hurt at alll? about how long after the whole procedure will the pain start to come?
i have recently extracted a tooth when i reach home...when the aneastasia wear off...i felt an aching pain in my mouth....will the pain of doing braces be the same as the pain as the tooth extraction? how long does the pain last?
can someone please type out a list of things that i must do after doing braces...things like what to eat and what to avoid etc etc....will the pain be very intense?
when the doctor is putting on your braces for the first time it doesnt hurt but when you get it tightened it hurts alot. its like you feel sore you cannot open your mouth wide & you cant bite. the pain isnt really bad but for me i cryed sometimes.
what i advise you to do is dont worry too much. (: i got a rubberband for when ppl had to have teeth pull out <-- doesnt hurt. also it didnt take long to have braces on. also the pain sort of lasts about 2-3 days. it sub-sides.
what you should eat & to avoid is :
foods easy to chew.
no hard foods
no gum
no candy that sticks to your teeth [like caramel, sticky candys]
ice cream [:
braces dont hurts at all[: for first timers its hard to live with but you'll get used to it.
*P.S you will get wax from the doctor to put on a bracket[w.e its called] if its bothering you *
They hurt a little, nothing major at all though. When they put them on, it doesn't hurt at all, don't worry!
And there are no needles.
The wire doesn't go through your teeth or anything, and probably won't even touch your teeth. I think what they do, (couldn't see too well lol) is glue the little metal braces to each tooth. Then the wire goes through little spaces in the middle of each of the metal pieces glued to your teeth.
When they tighten them, as they do periodically, you'll feel a little pressure on all of your teeth (try pushing on your teeth with your fingers). A little while after they've been tightened, they will start to ache a little bit. Nothing to worry about though, it's just like having a headache. XD You can take a Tylenol to relieve the pain. It'll probably only last about 1-2 days after they've been tightened.
It's really nothing to worry about at all. You'll probably forget you have them after a bit. Having a tooth extracted is much worse IMO. :O
well I had braces and it hurts when the doctor puts it on the back teeth because its so close so yea that hurts and then after you have the braces on it doesn't hurt as bad but after a while it starts to hurt your teeth. and no it won't hurt as bad when you got the tooth extraction
things you want to do after you get the braces
* dont eat anything hard
* relax because it will start to hurt again
* eat soft foods
* be gentle to your teeth and don't be rough
* eat like ice cream and other soft foods or your teeth will hurt bad beause thats what I did and it hurt
* avoid jolly ranchers and carmels
* gum also and other food that might make your month and teeth fell worse
But the intense pain is after they put the back ones on it sucks. then your teeth start to feel all sore after a few days so beware your teeth will hurt for a few days... !!!! hope you have fun with braces.
They might be a bit painful, but they give more pressure to your teeth than anything. Even though both sound bad, the pain isn't permanent and it usually goes away after a while, since your teeth start adjusting to the form of the braces and alleviate the initial pain.
lots of good advice already given here. i would just add:
you will feel some pain after the braces are put on and after they are tightened (usually monthly). it might help to take tylenol/advil etc just before your appointment.
for the first week or so your mouth will be getting used to the braces, so your gums/cheeks might be sore, so you will want to use the ortho wax where your mouth is irritated.
for foods, in addition to the good suggestions already made, i would add, if you do not feel like eating at all, try nutrition drinks like ensure or boost - like the vanilla flavor.
campbells soup makes something called soup at hand, which is a microwave tall skinny cup that you just drink - no spoon needed
and you should cut or break up foods like pizza or bagels, and fruits like apples and pears - you might want to avoid these for a day or 2 after your monthly visits, if you are feeling pain.
also, make sure that you do keep up with brushing and flossing. your orthodontist will show you how with go-between brushes (i like the GUM brand) and plastic loop threaders for floss.
hope this helps - good luck!
The pain is pretty bad, but the worst part for me was the braces digging into the skin of the inside of my cheeks, so make sure you get some wax from ur ortho. I also would reccomend eating soft food; i know it sounds stupid and cliche, but you can't eat a lot of solid food for a while b/c its gonna hurt. so ask mommy to make pudding for dinner =P
But initially, the pain will be bad, so I took advil or some other aspring kind of thing. Just take the reccommended dose and it'll be ok in a couple days.
i got my braces on last wednesday
started feeling pain about 4-5 hours after braces were on
couldnt really chew food for 1 or 2 days
on the 3rd day i could chew with back teeth but not front
now im back to the normal feeling of my mouth
Everytime I went to get mine tightened I always took motrin an hour before my appointment and for the next 2-3 days. Sounds childish but I used to take liquid motrin cause it works faster. It is a different pain than when you get your teeth pulled, its kinda like a dull achy pain that is there constantly. After a couple days though it goes away. Get some soft foods like soup and jello and stuff until you get used to them. Oh and dont bite into sandwiches cause the bread will get stuck in your braces....also it hurts to bite directly into something...I used to cut up everything and fork it. Good luck, hope this helps....take motrin, it works like magic