How long after distemper is a dog contagious?

I want to know i have a dog i THINK had distemper before i adopted her and want to know how long she might be contagious? thank you


to be honest ... i have a 2 year old that has the brown and missing enamel on his teeth, so he survived ... and just adopted another that just so happens to have it on her teeth ... but she is so young about 4-5 months and the bet said maybe she got over it a month and a half ago. i adopted her but how did she survive? and if someone did care for her to survive why was she on the streets? so i do question if she had it. yes a lot of dogs survive but its all up to the fight in the dog and their immunity strength.


  • Around 30 days after infection, but typically infected dogs don't shows signs of infection until 15 days after being infected. So, when your dog was diagnosed with distemper she was only shedding the virus for about 15 days after that. Are you sure your dog had distemper? It is a pretty serious virus.

    Her body may have fought off the virus on its own. This has to do with severity of infection and the individual's immune system's ability to fight that infection. Looks like your pup was very lucky.

  • It definitely can spread till a few months after, and its all about immunity.

    Natural and holistic remedies have also proven to be highly beneficial in supporting the immune, respiratory and digestive systems. These remedies are safe and gentle to use for your pet without the harmful side effects of conventional medications.

    One of the most well known herbs known as Echinacea purpurea helps to support the immune system. Homeopathic ingredients such as Distemperinum and Bryonia supports the immune, respiratory and digestive systems by keeping the chest clear, maintaining digestive functioning and keeping the body temperature within normal range.

    You may get additional details over here

  • Huh!! If the dog had distemper, I doubt it would be alive today, but it's possible with the meds the vets have out these days. Some dogs make it, most don't.

    Distemper is highly contagious and can spred from the "dog" up to three months.

  • Infected dogs shed the virus through bodily secretions for several weeks after symptoms disappear.

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