Do Democrats see GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt as a problem?

If in case you don't know he is one of the top people of the POTUS's Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

Now he is shipping jobs to China?

To top it off GE is paying no taxes.


  • Obama's Wall St. cronies are leading the economy down the losers path and with the POTUS' help.

    Obama: I 'don't begrudge people success or wealth'

  • No,this is the type of person Obama wants running the Economic Recovery Board.Instead of creating jobs and growth,Immelt is there for only one reason,to find ways to create economic crisis,thus tumbling the economy and destroying the country from with-in.

  • Another non tax payer he is just what the administration likes

  • You must not watch leftist media much. Your suppose to sweep such blatant corruption under the rug, and focus on those who are being victimized by such people as the aggressors against the common good (progressivism).

  • the elitist boys club

  • You must have loved the Dick Cheney/Halliburton/WMDs days...

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