linux-monodevelop problem?

hi all

i m very new to this linux. i have started this a week before.

since i need to develop some c# programs, i installed monodevelop from synaptic package manager.

till this , i find no trouble.

then on opening monodevelp from prgramming->monodevelop, its loading for a while. then it disappears.

can anyone say me, whats the problem


here is the summary. i cant get anything from this.

home@home-desktop:~$ monodevelop

WARNING: Cannot find Mozilla directory containing Some Addins may not be able to function. Please set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to your Mozilla directory.

** (./MonoDevelop.exe:13802): CRITICAL **: _wapi_shm_file_open: shared file [/home/home/.wapi/shared_>Update:

i did what u say.

still the problem persists.

can u recommend any csharp compiler for linux other than this.


  • I'm gonna admit straight out that I HATE Mono -- and have problems with Ubuntu which you may or may not be using, but it looks reasonably straightforward. This message looks to be the place to start:

    Please set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to your Mozilla directory

    Open a terminal and type "ls -a". If everything scrolls off the screen what you are looking for is a directory which probably starts ".mozilla" . Notice the period at the start. When you just type ls it doesn't list any directories or files which start with a period, and you won't see them. take the name which would be something like /home/<Your user id>/.mozilla or /home/<Your user id>/.mozilla-firefox and (let's simply things by calling that string <pathname>) type "sudo set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=<pathname>" then "sudo export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME" and run it again. If all goes well you should find

    I'm not even going to guarantee that it will then be able to write to /home/home/.wapi/shared_data-home-deskt... . I'm frankly taking a shot at this question for private reasons. But if you try what I just told you you should find that it will either work or you'll have a clearer impression of why it doesn't.

    Oh, and while you have a terminal open, do an "apt-cache search mono" and see what dependencies the package requires, then make sure they are all installed. The last step, if nothing else works, is, from the command line, type: "dpkg-reconfigure monodevelop".

    But as I said, I hate Mono.

    EDIT: I do want you to succeed since I answered this. I'm assuming either Debian or ubuntu as you said Synaptic was how you downloaded it. It should be "sudo dpkg-reconfigure monodevelop" as a last resort. While I'm not that familiar with the shared memory extension (shm) which is where the failure comes from -- the failure in my experience usually comes from the lack of a dependency for your program. Here is documentation on it:

    There is another page to pay attention to, but for another version of linux:

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