ESP? How do you learn ESP_?

I heard that you can actually learn ESP, i would like to know

what will happen in about 2 months time. its really important,

i want to know what'll happen,

Is there a way i can learn ESP? online possibly?


  • Despite millions of dollars and man hours spent in the exploration of ESP, no conclusive data has surfaced in support of it. So how can you learn to do something thay may not even exist?

    The best way to *pretend* you have ESP is to learn what's called "cold reading". Sylvia Browne and John Edward have made millions off this parlor trick.

  • I know there are certain special schools (or institutions) that can help you develop that ability. All of us have the ability called the sixth sense, but only very few are naturally gifted to use it. ESP or extra sensory perception isn't only about looking into the future. Like a man's natural or inborn talents, they come in many forms. There is telepathy, telekinesis (which in turn has other sub-branches) and yes, there is clairvoyance or the ability to look into future events. Mind control (hypnosis is one) can also be considered a form of ESP. You may or you may not have this ability of clairvoyance. Even if you go to that special training school which could bring out the sixth sense in you, if clairvoyance is not your natural esp, you still can't look into the future. No, learning ESP will not be that effective if you try to learn it on-line. The trainings MUST have to be personal and practical.

  • That looks like an interesting site though you have to click twice to get to a link that works you might want to check the link.

    If as many parapsychologist suggest ESP is simply a normal human ability then it should be able to be improved through practice. I have listed some links below that will allow you to practice/test your ESP.

    There are also techniques or methods to increase ESP like Remote Viewing (link below) and the Ganzfeld protocols (link below).

    I suggest that you first read the scientific research literature on ESP so you will have some understanding of ESP and what the experiments have demonstrated so far as well as the methods of experimentation and analysis. The links below can help you start that process.


  • Short answer -- if there is a way to learn it, nobody knows how. If you consider that despite many unsubstantiated claims nobody has every been able to conclusively demonstrate ESP under controlled conditions, you'll understand why. Before people can start learning ESP, you need to have people who are capable of it in the first place, and we don't seem to have that.

    You can try that website or others, and good luck with it. Give it your all and see what happens. You may be the very first person with ESP.

  • I don't think that you can learn it. You have it or you don't. Now there is a book that can help you develop some of the other types of para-psychological abilities. It is called "Awakening Spirits" by a man named Brown. And no it is not about channeling or anything like that. It is about remembering where you put things or where someone else put it. I can't remember if he addressed ESP or not.

  • That's not ESP. That's precognition. There are a few places you can learn that. Try a web search. Probably somewhere on Spiritweb.

  • it is proven knowledge that we all have a higher gift of thinking(this subject is frowned upon in the psychology world), thats why there are so many reports of psychics and psychic mishaps and super human strength and such, but you have to believa nd want to tap into this, its more of a learning to channel tis, and learning to focus your mind...a fine tuning so to speak.

    I'd say google the subject, or contact a psychologist, and they can direct you to a specialist in the field

  • I always thought you were just born with it.

    I guess I sorta got something, not sure exactly what i can do yet, but good luck and be careful, you might get yourself into a dangerous situation.

  • You can meditate. There are different ways to do it but you have to read up on it as there is alot to it. It really works. I would read these books.


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