Do gay senior citizens deserve as much respect as straight ones?


  • Everyone - gay, straight, old, young, man, woman - deserves respect until proven otherwise. Respect is an individual matter and each should received as much as One gives.

  • We, unfortunately live in a judgemental society. And if someone is not exactly like ourslves,

    we tend to judge them on their lifestyle,their looks, how they dress, the car they drive,

    and the house they live in. When someone is prone to do this of another, they are

    usually proven wrong in the worst of their thoughts about that person, once they get to

    know them. So I hold my reservations until I get to know the individual and once I find

    I not only know them, I can respect them for their character, and individuality. I no longer

    look upon them as anyone less than I, just because we have differences in the way we

    run our lives or anything else. Judge, if you must, but judge the singular man, and not

    what he represents to you. Or rather what he did represent to you. We can be so

    ignorant of others' rights, and only find interest in ourselves. Those who do this, prove

    they are not good citizens. We all should be respected for our own individuality. And I

    believe our long years of living, have proved that to ourselves, time and time again.

  • Yes they do.I live with in a few blocks of the most wonderful women you could ever want to meet. Also a couple of fellows.The take pride in their soundings. They are the same as anyone else. Even better than the ''idiot'' bunch I live next too.They are an asset to the neighbor hood and I am proud to call them my neighbors. The ladies go all out at halloween decorating their yard The local paper features them and people travel for miles to see their yard. They are a friend to all children and animals.

  • Yes they do deserve the same respect.

    I feel - there is no one - better than I am or less than I am.

    I say - be who you are to the best of your ability.

    I do understand - the gay's who feel the need to make a spectacle of themselves - make it very hard for those - who are simply looking for happiness.

    Good question.


  • A person's sexual orientation is the business of no one.

    Every person deserves respect until they have cone something disrespectful. Their personal sexual orientation is no factor!

  • Often, youngsters come onto this site hoping to shock us or to expose our bigotry because we are 'old' only to find we are more tolerant, more open minded, less 'phobic, much less shockable than they themselves. I hope they go away scratching their (not too big) brains realising they have a lot of catching up to do.

  • That's like asking if men deserve as much respect as women.

    We are all human beings -- we all deserve respect!

  • If they behave in a respectful manner they will get respect from me, if not no respect. It's not an automatic thing.

  • Respect has nothing to do with your sexual orientation except to those with smaller minds.

  • Of course they do! Ages don't matter when it comes to orientation.

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