My Period is so strange?
My legs always go completely numb a day or two before my period every time and it has for years. I don't even need to keep track of my period because I know that when the numbness starts that in a day or two it will start. I'm not sure if its pushing on a nerve or what??? Anybody else experience this or might have an idea why?
Your uterus begins to contract to shed the lining, and as it is moving, it can brush against nerves. You were completely right. That's why that happens.
Never heard of that one. Everyone is different. I used to get a metallic taste in my mouth before mine.
Other females may have cramps or back ache, or pimples, or feel very tired. if this has been happening for years, I wouldn't worry about it, but I realize you want to know why. Wish I knew.
Oh also I used to have sore soles on my feet, they seemed to burn for a couple of days. Women are weird aren't they?
I would say it's just an effect of your period. My back hurts when I'm on mine, though it never used to before. Oh well.