Is America now comparable to pre Nazi Germany under Obama's reign of impiralism?

With things like NDAA, the renewed and super charged Patriot Act (very unpatriotic by the way), and other mandated Government intrusions s/a bail outs for bankers who are crooks, isn't Obama just setting us up for the final countdown to Armegeddon ?


(imperialism, my bad)


  • He is a terrorist.

    He refuses to deport anyone who is here illegally unless that person has killed several American Citizens. His words not mine. That makes him a terrorist not a President.

  • No, the Obama Administration isn't much at all like the Wiemar Republic. Germany was painted into a corner by the Allies after WWI. Not much they could do about it except go to war.

  • ok, to start, as of 1931, Germany grow to be ruled through the Wiemar Republic, and Hindenburg grow to be president, with Hitler receiving basically 35% of the vote. Now that we've regularly occurring that the muse of your question is erroneous, enable's get to the rest. Hitler did no longer positioned a ban on very own weapons. He inspired using the them in agencies such by using fact the SA, a type of civilian military that he used as his very own police rigidity. next, he does seek advice from college pupils. one in each of his greatest base of supporters in the 2008 primaries and elections have been the college teenagers. the quantity of individuals in the Iowa caucus went up almost a million,000 from the college pupils he reached out to. additionally, you're saying he's ruining our united states, and then learn him to Adolf Hitler (to that end invoking Godwin's regulation). Hitler grow to be a terrible guy who did terrible issues, yet he additionally single-handedly seized administration of the German government (legally), introduced them out of the great melancholy, threw off the Treaty of Versailles, and then proceeded to triumph over all of Europe, and bits of Africa. Please attempt analyze next time.

  • I think that's not an accurate comparison, the Carter years would be more appropriate, just before someone with wise fiscal understanding of the needs of the economy and business rode into town.

  • This page gives an overview of the parallels to and the cooperation with the Nazi/KKK movements of Black Nationalists, like Obama.

    Obama and the Black Nazi Movement

  • @Foghorn Check your definition of Terrorism, and then come back to change your answer to sound less ignorant. Maybe check the DREAM ACT requirements for citizenship as well.

  • No that is the republican plan if they can figure out how to steal the election for Mitt!

    How long after Mitt takes office will there be a "national emergency" where Mitt will be forced to declare martial law?

  • Sure, you're brilliant. President Obama is a right wing fascist. /sarcasm

    Get a clue, check a dictionary, understand that words have meanings.

  • Only time will tell. However, those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them...

  • Germany controlled all of Europe and part of the USSR

    U.S. can not even control Afganistan


    U.S. weak and poor country

    Their debt is huge, and they can not work differs from the German

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