Homemade pregnancy test?

Okay i know there are no "REAL" homemade pregnancy tests...but are there any like passed down superstitions or homemade things people use to get an idea? (I completely know they would not or might not be accurate) And please dont tell me to go "buy a test" b/c I do plan on doing that in a few days when I know I could get an accurate result..but just for now?


  • There is no 100% effective way to tell without a test. But you can look on this website to get a good idea about how you will feel like. Congratulations!

  • Effective Homemade Pregnancy Test

  • I've heard the rabbit one and the draino one. I just decided to take tests until it turned positive. I started the day that I ovulated and then 6 days/tests later I got my first positive. on the 7th day I got a digital positive with a clear blue easy digital test.

  • Yeah.. go to www.virtualpregnancytest.com and PEE ON YOUR MOUSE, if it stops working, you're pregnant! =]

    Edit to Add:

    YES, Jessica is right! LOL. Last year when I told a co-worker I was pregnant (he's in his 50's!) he said 'THE RABBIT DIED?' .. I had NO CLUE what he meant! So, I googled it at the time (because he didn't explain ANYTHING and I thought he was off his rocker!) .. and that is exactly right! IF you inject the urine of a pregnant woman into a rabbit it will supposedly die?

    IF you're going to try this method, you should probably do it to a wild rabbit. Because if you're willing to go to the pet store and purchase a rabbit to 'test' this technique, it'd probably be more expensive than just buying a pregnancy test =]

  • Pee into a cup of Drano! Its suppose to turn a different color! Good Luck!

  • ok, your grandmother will refer to you being pregnant as "the rabbit died"

    this means that some one, somewhere, injected pregnant woman's blood into a rabbit... and it died.

    do you have a pet rabbit? you could test this theory.

  • spin around 10 times and then smell a brick of strong cheese then spray some perfume...if you puke your pregnant.

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