September 11 is coming up so how do you feel?

We are learning about this in school. Tell me where you were on that day and how you felt and how you feel about it now.


  • I was teaching High School Science. I was standing out in the hall talking to the History teacher in between classes. He told me that terrorists had just flown planes into the World Trade Center. At first I thought he was joking, because he was that sort of guy. Then I went in the classroom and turned on CNN.

    We kept the news on for the whole next hour. I found it somewhat difficult to be the voice of authority in the room and tell the teenagers what was happening. Most of them understood this was a huge thing. But when the first tower collapsed and we were witnessing live thousands of people dying, I remember one girl coming up to me right then and asking me questions about her Physics homework. I could barely even respond, but she was acting like nothing was happening. I think sometimes when you are young, you just are able to be more detached from things that aren't happening in your immediate sphere.

    Prayers go out today for the families of the victims. This must surely be a difficult day for them.

    We must remain strong as a nation to prevent this from ever happening again.

  • I was 11 years old at the time (not American, so I'm not sure what grade it is)

    I remember eating breakfast and switching on the tv to view the cartoons that were on before school started like I did every morning.

    The cartoons weren't on that morning, they were showing footage of the two towers and the first plane had crashed into them at the time. I flicked through the channels... they were all showing the same thing pretty much.

    I used to get up earlier than everyone else, so I went to my parents room and told them something bad had happened.

    I was shocked straight away, the whole day that was the only thing on tv.

    At the time I didn't realise how many lives had been lost and how many families had been split apart.

    Today, I feel sad about what happened and my heart goes out to all the innocent people who died that day, and those who lost their nearest and dearest. God bless. xx

  • I remember that day very well. It especially sticks with me because my birthday is September 11th. I was a freshman in high school in third period Earth Science. We got an announcement about it over the speaker and we all just started watching it on tv. Next period we were still watching and that's when the second plane hit. We were all shocked. It was a crazy day! Kinda made my birthday not so exciting :(

  • I was getting ready for work and turned on the TV just as Peter Jennings was reporting the first crash. I was watching as the second plane hit the second tower. I called my ex-husband (where the children were that morning) and told him to turn on the TV. Then I rushed to my job at a public high school library where I knew the principal was holding an early meeting. I got a TV set up in the Library and whispered in his ear what had happened.

    The Library was set up as a safe haven, and I spent the rest of the day consoling students, some of whom had a parent traveling in Europe or family in New York. My children and I gathered after school at their father's house to console each other. My ex-husband worked for Aon Corp., which was one of the businesses that went down in the Towers. We waited to hear who had been lost. My oldest daughter was soon to start her freshman year of college and had chosen not to go to NYU and we were grateful she was with us.

    The next day was my best friend's birthday and I had flowers sent to her. I didn't want her day lost

  • I was in third grade...We were just starting to correct our math homework, when we got called over the PA system to the gym. We had a prayer service (i went to a Catholic school) and went back to class...but we really didn't know what was going on, we didn't understand. I was very sad, and disturbed that someone, or a lot of people really, were trying to hurt us as Americans. I still find it amazing that people can have so much hate in them. =(

    Now, i am still sad about it. Who wouldn't be? A lot of innocent people lost their lives that day. I know that sounds cheesy, but it's still true as it ever was.

  • I was in my 5th grade classroom. The janitor came in and said that he was not supposed to tell the kids what happened, but since we were the oldest and most mature class in the school, he'd tell our teacher so she could tell us. No one quite understood what what happening since we were only in 5th grade, but we definitely knew it was really bad. Of course we didn't understand terrorism or why someone would crash a plane into a building on purpose. I know kids whose schools let them out early, but mine didn't.

    Tomorrow I'm definitely going to say some prayers for the 3000+ families who suffered a death on that tragic day.

  • I heard it on the radio that morning and it was on the radio were I worked, then I watched the horror on ABC news - just completely unbelievable! I felt so sad that day - and I think about every year at this time.

  • I was in 8th grade art class and I admit I really didn't grasp the magnitude of what was happening. I feel disgusted that there are people out there who can do that sort of thing to other human beings.

  • I was in 5th grade, I didn't really know what was going on just something really bad happened.

  • i was in the school office getting a marker for my teacher

    i don't really feel anything

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