Help! eyebrows problem ?

i have plucked my eyebrows but they are a bit to thin and short how do i make them grow back quick With out buying any think and with out looking stupid! lots of points for person who helps the most xx


  • U can use an eyebrow pencil to cover up anything gone wrong.

    Use soft strokes, like eyebrows. It will seem OK.

    Now about growth: Use pure Castor oil. One drop is enough on each. gently massage in every night.

    It helps growth.

    It will grow faster than it would otherwise.

  • Just use an eyebrow pencil to shape them and make them look thicker for now. Once they grow back you should go somewhere where they wax eyebrows find a picture in a magazine of someones eyebrows that you like and that would look good on your face. Than take the picture to the place and show them and they will shape them just the way you want!

  • Sorry to tell ya but theres no ''fast eyebrow grower solution''.

    Just try to fill them in with a eyebrow pencil. But dont over do it, and get a color that matches your brows. They will have to grow back on their own.

  • they will grow back quickly alone and unless you have like pluckedall of them out it wont be that noticeable!

    so dont worry! mine are naturally different lengths and heights lol and no one has ever been like omg whats wrong with your eyebrows lol

    but next time go and get them waxed! it doesnt hurt :]

  • well u will just have 2 wait normally Your eyebrows will grow bk in 2 weeks oh YH one more time get Your eye bows threaded or wazed they are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • style ur bangs so u cant see them that well. i have done this before.

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