How Loud is a Concert?
So, Im about to go to my first concert EVER in June and Im almost 16 (deprived childhood I know). Im going to the One Direction concert and I got VIP tickets so Im in the first four rows. Im super excited and everything but I was wondering how loud is the concert going to be? Screaming fans, the music, singing, etc.
It can get pretty loud, especially if you have someone next to you that likes to make a piercing whistle every song... I second the idea of earplugs. I hit up shows every few weeks and always take a pair. I don't always use them or only use them until the band i want to see is on stage... either way its much easier to gauge if something is too loud when you are experiencing it, and nice to have a remedy for it.
Plus you don't have to settle for the foam orange ones anymore that muffle sound. search for MusicMinders or something like them. I think they work better.
very loud... youll probly leave with a hoarse throat. if you plan to go to a lot of gigs in a very short period of time id reccommend you get some ear plugs. tinnitus is not a good thing to have, high suicide rate apparently.