does a guy like a unique/weird girl?

im unique in a weird way and no guys like me. is that a big turnoff?


  • Being unique is a good thing, and as far as being weird... normal people are boring. Just believe in yourselve. If you do a search of 'characteristics that guys find most attractive in girls' you'll see that CONFIDENCE is in the top 3 (if not #1) in every list.

    The most important thing is to love yourself for who you are and the rest should fall into place.

  • Uh nope. Everyone is unique. No two people are 100% the same. Unique and weird is two different perspectives depending on the person. You can be unique and different to one guy but weird to another one. It all depends on that certain guy. From what ive learned is that you can't just generalize what guys like/ don't like in girls. And thats the same for us girls because none of us is the same. Just got to find that guy that thinks your specially unique. Time, patience and a little luck is all it takes :) Thats my oppinion.

  • No way hun... The weird unique ones are the best ;)

  • unique is a large category some of witch is hot some of witch is disturbing would have to know more about you

  • No I love unique girls :D

  • like what do you mean unigue in a weird way?? can u explain what u mean...

  • im weird as **** and im married and have had boyfriends. just gotta be patient :)

  • no its not as long as i find you interesting

  • im sure they do hun :)

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