Do you serve dip in a bowl or a cabbage? C/C?


There are many delicacies that would make my nose turn

What makes them so special, I haven't a clue

Some people eat them thinking there's a lesson to learn

Others smile while swallowing but they never chew

There are paintings in museums, Picasso, Van Gough

Amazing works of art that enthralls

Artists with abilities that I'll never know

But that's not the stuff I'll hang on my walls

So no offense to those who only eat gourmet

Or prefer art by those classically trained

But I'll take a greasy cheeseburger any day

In old blue jeans and t-shirt that's stained



HD- thanks for catching the typos :)


  • I kind of like to hollow out a round loaf and put it in there, cabbage on the side to dip

    and flip the chips and serve me bits of cheese, no champagne, perhaps a cup of tea...

    and then sit down

    and talk to me,,

    your tattered clothes are fine

    I think I'll listen to your lines

  • That was really good. I wanted to use a lot of large words and terminologies in response but didn't want to sound pretentious.

    "What’s great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it." - Andy Worhol, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (1975)

  • Never liked caviar, not over keen on champagne. I like Monet and he is on my walls, but I'm just as happy with the framed prints of the g kids next to his waterlilies or the drawings they bring home from school. Like my fish and chips wrapped in newspaper, not served on a plate. I can dress myself up to the nines or slop around in blue jeans. Variety is the spice of life and I have spice. Enjoyed reading your poem Funky.

    @ Pandora - absolutely. I don't want to eat my fish and chips from tease and sleeze, it's gotta be more up market.(lol)

  • My Funky Monkey friend, you ARE well named! AND I love the commentaries you attract as well! But Happy's was, without a doubt the best; for my part:

    I listen to Country on the way into work,

    and, on m'way back home, some Blues song;

    Opera while alone in the kitchen to cook,

    and Oldies when young Megan's along.

    I use cloth napkins and fine crystal to dine

    because I have them, don't want them to languish,

    but bought on the cheap, some tag-sale find,

    if one's broken or ruined, where's the anguish?!?

    And, though I've become an accomplished cook,

    don't love to cook, but I DO love to eat;

    healthy fare is necessity to how I feel, act, and look,

    but I do enjoy, so, a Taco Bell treat!

    And popcorn chicken from the Deli at Wal-Mart!

    Munchin' right from the drink holder there on my cart!


  • Van Gogh

    Works of art that enthrall

    As to the content - in the past I frequented pretty rough bars and love cheeseburgers and the occasional hot dog.. I am low brow by a long shot having no patience for pretension or super silly us pretending.

    Love your words.

  • The same way I feel about Shakespeare's art:

    it's widely acclaimed but fails to grab my heart

    while for the poems of YA'amateurs I'm a junkie.

    Including that of funny sweet Funky Monkey.

  • I never cared for oysters and I never ate a squid

    But something tells me Hiram is the kinda guy who did.

    I love deep-fried beer-batter shrimp but hate the lobster-bib

    My one rule is not to eat anything fresh from the crib.

    I like burgers...but I must confess--

    I'd rather it 'gourmet'... than a greasy mess.

  • I am sorry, but I love the expressionists

    Though you may see Kandinsky as an awful mess

    Lamb and pilaf are hamburger to me

    and I listen to opera liberally

    But I favor metal and I love cartoons

    And I so much Taco Bell, elites would swoon

    It is possible to have both kinds of taste

    Heinz on your frog's legs?

    Why let it go to waste.

  • Great`likes`this`poem .I would love VAN GOUGH on my wall or a`bit of PICASSO would do . the`first answer talking about 'coke' asda's` own make is` horrible .

  • hear hear for the low brow

    i prefer simple chow

    and a relate-able read

    that imagination's freed

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