Do you think Vampires exist?

What are you guy's opinions.

I don't know, I kind of think they do.


  • honestly vampires do not exist in people need to stop telling people they are real in there are psychic vampires humans only drinking blood & animal blood watching to much vampire movies in watching the twilight movie now they think they are the real thing this is the real world not make believe


  • Well it does not matter what the world believes for vampire are very real existing creatures... And all the disbelief in this world will not change the truth of their existences one iota.............. Not I have to admit that their existences is a terrifying thought but just saying no they don't exist will not change the number of people that they have been killing over the centuries period.... And the governments of the world keeping silent about truth make a great deal of sense when you know that the world would panic at the thoughts of them being real...........

  • No, I don't believe that the kind of vampires you are (most likely) thinking of exist. But there are certainly humans who drink blood and are sensitive to sunlight. They aren't immortal or inhuman, but they sometimes refer to themselves as vampires.

    I can't prove that vampires DON'T exist, since I can't prove a negative. I'm just stating what I believe.

  • I don't think they do exist as I would a bird or a plant, but nothing's impossible. Personally, if I were a 'Vampire', I wouldn't tell the whole World about it.

    Although something can be impossible but also improbable..

  • well. for one thing i know for a fact that vampires exist because i know many many vampires. and i too am a vampire.

    i was changed on my fourteenth birthday in june. and by the way.. changing into a vampire isn't by getting bit, its by exchanging of blood or sex etc.

    so do i think vampires exist.. no- i KNOW vampires exist. vampires are amongst all you humans. in fact, i attend a public high school and have attended public school all 10 years. and also, vampires don't go around town attacking people. to prove that id like to point out that my boyfriend is a human.

    another thing about vampires... we don't burn in the sun. we get a headache/migraine or little areas of skin burn slightly. i have evidence for that too--i live in florida or as you know it 'the sunshine state'.

    any questions.. email me im safe don't worry.

    hope this helped. =]

    vote best answer?

  • I dont think so but thats just my opinion many people argue that its a disese and some people do have it but I really dont think so, however it is a free country and you are allowed to believe what you like. (add) Yes give me a thumbs down on an opinion question A** HOLE!

  • the answer to this question is the same one as my answer

    Are you not a complete and total idiot who dreams about a guy who if he could wouldd hapily rip your thraot out and bleed you dry

  • I think they are just as real as humans. Just with different needs.

  • No

    But there are sick people who drink other peoples blood.

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