do you enjoy homemade soup?

I enjoy making my own soups from scratch. Everything from vegetable soups to a hearty beef and barley soup. I want to make soup today but simply can not make up my mind.

Help me out by telling me your favourite soup.............


for 'hello there i am sierra blue'


4 pounds oxtails

2 pounds beef or pork bones

2 carrots

2 onions

5 cloves garlic

1 or 2 celery stalks

1 leek

2 bay leaves

2 to 3 tablespoons each butter and olive oil

potatoes (optional)

flour or other thickener (optional)

salt and pepper to taste

In a stockpot or heavy cast-iron Dutch oven, brown 2 tablespoons of butter and 2 tablespoons of olive oil, two or three carrots, two onions cut into slices, and herbs to season.

When vegetables begin to take on color remove from the stockpot and set aside.

Replenish olive oil and butter if need be and add 4 pounds of oxtails, and about 2 pounds gelatinous bones. Brown, turning and basting - do not allow to dry. The browning step can also be accomplished by roasting in the oven.

After the oxtails take on sufficiently roasted color, add five cloves garlic and brown for 10 minutes. When the garlic becomes roasted, mash it into the oil. Add water, only enough to cover. Return the carro


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