Fade black hair dye naturally?

I have been dying my hair black for a year or so now. I dye it every 3 months. I want to fade my hair enough to dye it red with black streaks but I don't want to chemically strip my hair, that is way too damaging. Does anyone know of natural home treatments or tricks to fade my hair? I am willing to make my hair look like **** for a month if the process will take a while.


  • You can do numerous things to fade the dye. You can mix baking soda, dish soap, honey, lemon juice, vitamin C powder, and peroxide (you don't need all of those things, but the more you have, the better) to make a creamy paste and cover your hair with it (leave in for 30 minutes). You can also wash your hair with laundry soap until it fades. You can also coat your hair in lemon juice and go out in the sun for a while. If all else fails, bleach it. It wont damage your hair unless you bleach it frequently

  • If possible go out in the sun alot. I managed to go from really dark brown back to my natural very light brown just because of a heatwave in the summer. I think the swimming helped too.

  • There is a product you can buy that doesn't strip your hair, but removes color. It's not like bleach or anything, it just removes dye. You can get it at any drug store.

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