why do so many teens die in car accidents?

the statistics are crazy, something like 5000+...why is this? Is it because of reckless driving or just bad luck? is there a way to avoid this, or is it just a way of life for us young people because we can't force having road experience...we need years behind the wheel to get better...at any case, what steps can I take to avoid having this fate?


  • It is a combination of factors. Main factor is experience -- both lack of and too much of!


    The rate of accidents per licensed driver is highest for 17-year-olds. From the teens onward the rate drops steadily, with just a slight burp at 21. Lack of experience has new drivers getting into more accidents than anyone else.

    However.... when you look at the rate of fatalities per accident it is a different story. The LOWEST rate of fatal accidents is the 16-year-olds; with the rate steadily rising as you get older to a peak at age 21. After which it drops until you get to the fossilized 65+ where we tend to break easier.

    As you gain experience you get into less accidents, but those accidents are a lot deadlier. 16 and 17 year-olds have the highest rate of accidents; but their rate of fatal accidents is lower than any age group 18-23.

    The Fatality rate for teenagers in car accidents is far less than the fatality rate of 75+ in car accidents. No one cares about old farts dying in car accidents since they break so easily and are about to die anyhow. They have retired from productive lives and are again a drain of the resources of society. Teenagers, on the other hand, are just about to start their productive lives to pay back to society the costs of raising them.


    In 2005 in the U.S., for the age group 15-24:

    4,212 deaths by suicide

    5,466 deaths by homicide

    which almost add up to the

    10,908 deaths by motor vehicle accident.

    To put these 20,586 deaths in prospective, in the 75-85 year age group we lost 166,421 to Cancer and another 256,362 to Heart Disease. Twenty times as many deaths.

    If you look are deaths overall, teen car deaths are nothing. But teen are not suppose to die, which is why the deaths get such hype.


    Want to drastically reduce your chance of a fatal accident?

    Do not exceed speed of traffic.

    Do not drink and drive (the reason for the hump at 21!)

    Do not drive distracted -- that last means no cell phones, no TV watching, no reading, no eating while driving, and NO listening to the radio. Driving is a full time job. Safe driving is no accident.

  • It's reckless driving. Lots of teens think they know how to drive. They are often influenced by peers into racing, showing off, & inexperience. Also, parental guidance is truly the key. I was raised behind the wheel of an old farm truck at age 14. I knew the rules of the road before I even had a learners permit. Dad always told me that driving is more than pointing it down the road. You have to learn to predict the road & how others will react to it. Now here I am 25 yrs later still accident free. That is the truth. I drive a semi for a living.

  • reckless driving, drinking or doing drugs and driving, and lack of driving experience contribute to a lot highway mishaps with younger drivers.

    The best advice I can give to a young driver is to stay sober (don't drink and drive), don't show off behind the wheel for your friends, turn off the cell phone and don't play with your ipods or radio controls while you are driving. Drive within the speed limit, reduce your speed on wet and slippery roads, don't run red lights, come to a complete stop at a stop sign, and keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you.

    One more thing, when you're stopped at a red light and it turns green, look both ways before accelerating because there are a lot of red light runners these days and you don't want to get hit by one, the results of getting hit by a red light runner can cost you your life, so be careful while you are on the road.

  • It is not because of bad luck but yes it is because of reckless driving from either talking on your cellphone, driving after having drinks, getting real engaged in the conversations going on in the car, not obeying rules such as speeding limits, stop signs, etc. Many people also like to showoff nowadays that they can drive and since it's cool they fall into that and don't take caution to how important it is to obey the rules.

    So just avoid talking on your phone, you can have a conversation with someone in the car but don't get too into it, don't drink & drive, obey the rules such as if it speeding limit is 60mph than well it's 60, and so on, and start driving out of coolness

  • I think its because of the teenagers recklessness and lack of experience.

    the best way to stay safe is to make sure that you're always alert and that your attention focuses on driving not something else. say like, talking to ur phone, drinking coffee. Be aware to every stop signs, speed limits and such. Know driving laws and you'll be fine

  • there is not something in the information tale you related to that provides any reason to suspect ingesting or smoking had any bearing in this tragedy. The post-mortem comments of the deceased will tell the reality. the story did say velocity became right into a ingredient. maximum probable, so became into inexperience as all have been youthful. perchance velocity limiters on vehicles pushed by using everyone below a undeniable age must be seen.

  • Because they think they're such good drivers. They're over confident and reckless. No matter how good a driver you think you are, it's all in your head. You, the human, can never be invincible or immortal. Having a plethora of airbags doesn't mean you are.

  • Because they dont think when they drive . They think that they are alone on the road and that they are experts.

  • it's because they think they can drive beeter than they actually can.

    no real experience. if they can drive in video games they think they can drive in real life too.

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