Is Obama a good President?


  • He's a terrible president. So far he's just been spending money and making racist comments, but, on top of that, he's trying to screw over our healthcare system too.

    He's only a few months into the presidency and easily one of the worst leaders this country has ever seen.

  • Too soon to tell honestly. Everyone wants to nominate Obama for sainthood it seems like and all he did was take over, shell out a lot of taxpayer money, allow the plan to pull out of Iraq to continue, make some statements about race that anyone else would be branded a racist, and stick his foot in his mouth about a police officer doing his job. Give the dude a couple of years before we start talking about how he walks on water

  • NO! I don't think in all the history of this country have we ever had one this bad!! In a very short time he's destroyed everything we stood for.

  • No. He's already spent more in the past two months than has been spent since the country was born. He may be the worst. Time will tell.

  • Well no presidents perfect but I do think he has had to work through allot of **** so you have to give him credit plus he's better then the bushes. Clinton was better tho however he had a better time to be put in the place of a presidential position so you never know.

  • One of the worst ever I despise the man.

  • He's already committed TREASON. Nobody voted for him to bow to heads of other countries, nor to apologize for the United State Of American. I have no respect for this thing (fascist) anymore.

    IMPEACH the OBOMBXSS XSSHOLE and while we at it


  • You can do 99 things right but one thing wrong and people will remember

    the one thing wrong~it is too soon to pass judgment of this administration~~evil to those who think evil

  • Hasn't been in office long enough to make a judgment.

  • Yes he is so far

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