how do you raise a largemouth bass?

im gonna go catch 1 or 2 largeys about 8 inches or so... im planning to keep them in a kiddey pool about 8ft by 5ft and about 1 1/2ft high, and fill it with hose water.

Am i doin it right and what are some tips


  • yea dont raise them at all. they dont make great pets because they need excellent water parameters and a super filter system.

    You will also need to keep it in a much larger habit, over 500 gallons.

    Overall you dont see them in a LFS for a reason, best in the wild and it is kinda cruel to make them suffer in captivity, just t ohave you let them go later...

    i have owned 4 large mouth bass in a 2000 gallon pond and it wasnt a good idea.

  • wow thats a terrible idea. not only is the kiddy pool not deep enough, the bass grow very large and cannot survive in that small of an area. taking animals out of the wild rarely work as pets, the often die in the first few weeks. tap water will kill the fish becasue of the chlorine and chloramine in the water. trust me, you shouldnt try this. even if you get a larger pool, they are prone to nocturnal animals like racoons who eat things twice their size.

  • Well ditto to all the above plus you may need a game permit to keep them in your state .Bass are a game fish and you are suppose to take them home and cook them not make pets of them .

  • I wouldn't advise trying to raise them at all. They get huge and a kiddy pool isn't a suitable environment for any fish.

  • When you catch your fish with a fishing pole you can burst its swim bladder by reeling them up too fast and that kills them because there swim bladder doesn't have enough time to adjust to the water when he is coming up and eventually it will kill them. I wouldn't suggest it though.

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