Do dogs prefer a certain shaped bowl?

My dog likes to eat, but he doesn't always go for his food bowl, he goes for my cat's triangular food bowl sometimes. Do dogs have a preference for shapes?


  • Most dog LOVE cat food because it is higher in fat and protein than most dog foods, so that's why he keeps going for the cat's dish. (Cats are obligate carnivores and their foods don't have carbs.) A little cat food now and then isn't going to hurt him, but it is not nutritionally complete for a dog so you want to limit his snacking on cat food.

    However, oddly enough, some dogs do prefer one sort of feeding dish to another. Most dogs don't care much, but if you have a dog who tends to take a mouthful of food, scatter it on the floor and THEN eat it, your dog might be happier eating from a cookie sheet with edges or a long, low dish like a lasagna dish. Some dogs just like eating the food scattered.

  • Nope, the cat's food probably smells good so he eats the food. Or if the bowl is empty it probably still smells good so he licks it.

    Maybe he does... I wouldn't think a dog would care more about a shape than food.

  • The cat food is probably more tantalizing in smell. I had the same problem but my cats always ate my dogs food n the dogs my cats so I just got them all the same thing eventually.

  • like everyone else is saying he's probably just attracted to the cat food.

    i would like to add however, i wouldn't use a plastic bowl because it can get damaged around the top edges and cause a rash on the pup's neck.

    instead use an aluminium or ceramic bowl.

  • no its probaly just the smell of the cat food he's attracted to.

  • dogs like cat food a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and cats like dog food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WEIRD

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