Was Jesse Ventura really a navy seal?

Someone made a comment on youtube that I take personally



1 day ago


Jesse Ventura was not a Seal he was UDT and he did not see combat.

Is the udt an aspect of the seals? I believe it is having a friend that is a seal, I think he mentioned this. Also even with the dirtbags in the media, nobody has ever attacked him saying he wasn't really a seal.


  • No, he was in UDT

    There is no real difference between UDT and seals.

    At the time, all seals became UDT first, then became seals after receiving additional training

    Sailors went from seal teams to UDT and back and forth, all the time.

    In the early 1980's, they merged the seal teams and UDT teams together

    2. But during Vietnam, seals went on UDT missions and UDT members went on Seal missions

    They saw no difference between themselves

    It was more like being in the same unit, with different duty sections, one duty section focused more on the UDT mission, and the other focused more on the Seal mission.

    3. But they all underwent the same training at Bud/s, including combat training

    4. So there is no deceit going on, most people today, don't know what UDT was, all they have heard of is the seal teams

  • Yes he was. There is much contraversy over this and it's BS. Ventura was a UDT Frogman on UDT Team 12. During the time he served in the Navy, one who made it through BUD/S was either going to be assigned to a UDT Team or a SEAL Team. Ventura just happened to be assigned to a UDT Team, as men really had no say in where they went.

    Many people don't realize that UDT made the SEAL Teams. And as SEALs today would say... "You never forget what your roots are."

    He made it through BUD/S, made it through the advanced training, went to a UDT Team. Does he have the right to say he was a SEAL? Of course!

  • UDT compared to Seal is like saying because you went thru flight school and became a navigator that you are a fighter pilot. One is not the same, duties are different.

    What is lost on people is that UDT or SEAL you went thru the same training, you were just tasked with different orders upon completion. So technically he was never a navy seal and was not asked to ever go on a seal mission, but since there no longer exists UDT and those duties are now part of the duties of a SEAL, he claims he was a navy seal.

    Honestly, he uses the term SEAL to promote himself as something he never was, an active SEAL going on missions where his life was in serious danger.

  • Seal or no Seal you say?....... A real Seal would not have sued this family after they lost their husband and father.

  • Yes, he was a SEAL. He served after Vietnam. I doubt he saw any combat but if he did it's classified.

  • Easy to prove___called a DD214

  • He was indeed a SEAL. Took and passed the very rigorous training, which included being waterboarded so they'd be prepared for what the enemy might do to them if they were captured. That is how he is clear that it IS torture, and he's against us doing it.

    He has enemies who will try to diminish him, because he is frank about religion being a lot of hooey.

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