New car audio system cracking?

I recently got a system out into my car, the whole deal including a new head unit. Once everything was said and done It ended up being $4000.00 with two 12" subs in the trunk. when buying everything I just told the guys at the store that I just wanted amazing quality sound and that's what they said I'll get. They specialize in mostly audio so I was like alright they know what I'm looking for. So when I picked it up the guy handed me the keys and said "if the sound stats cracking just turn it down to a reasonable level." This stuck out to me because I thought being three money I paid I should be able to listen to anything at whatever level and not hear cracking at all that's why I was upgrading. So most songs work but if I put something on like Kanye, done songs are hit or miss which really bothers me because they crack at even lower volume levels.I don't know much about audio so my question is, should this be happening? Should cracking our fuzz exist at all?


  • The cracking is probably due to improper installation and they got lazy or they did not tune it properly and when it hits a certain volume it will distort and sound crappy...which means the gains are too high on the amplifiers.

  • I think you got ripped off, big time. It should never crack, or distort at any level other then way over powering the equipment... The equipment doesn't sound like it's tuned correctly, or might not be installed right.. And for 4 grand, you should have a HUGE system, like 6 12's, done right..

  • the cracking could be coming from the quality of cd, but if the levels are too high it will make a fuzz noise

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