Do conservative Christians realize . . .?

Do conservative Christians realize that the ideas they espouse and the political programs they champion are very similar, if not completely the same, as conservative Muslims who they constantly berate, dismiss, and call uncivilized? And I mean those freedom hating Muslims they point to in those "backward" countries in the Middle East.


To Happy Jack: really you don't? Could have fooled me. It seems that when people don't believe in your god and morality, that you wish to get rid of them of marginalize them in some way. Seems the same.


  • No, that irony is lost on them. My favorite is when their PREACHERS TELL THEM WHO TO VOTE FOR! Just like the Ayatollah!

  • If you say so. You don't even have to back it up with any examples. Just say that an apple is a polar bear and vice versa and everybody will bow to your wisdom.


    Yeah, Kevin. I can see the similarity. Back in the days, about 52 years ago, when there were 50 state statutes that banned "sodomy" (which was the quintessential example of conservative Christians legislating morality -- in every single state in the country -- just like Muslims) the punishment provided for in all of those statutes was the death penalty. Exactly the same, right?

  • The big difference is that the bible is NOT the law of the land. As a Christian I am judged by God and God alone. Muslims ties their religious law into their government law which means they are judged by men. Christianity in America is a choice we are not stoning anyone in the street.

  • Can't say any christians I have ever know promote the stoning death of rape victims or wipe the **** off their asses with their bare hands. don't know any that riot everytime someone says something they dont like either. I dont see christians cheering for the deaths of 3000+ people at the hands of other christians or fathers murdering their daughters for running away from a husband who is twice the daughters age and beats her regualrly or for going out in public without a familial male escort.

  • Obviously there are cultural differences. But in both cases they are the least educated and more easily swayed by emotional arguments and tend towards physical and even "2nd amendment solutions" to all of life's little problems.

  • To answer your question;

    Sorry but you do not see conservatives marching in the streets seeking mob justice with out due process like liberals and muslims do....

  • Oh yeah, i love to beat my daughter and stone rape victims. I also love seeing my sons go blow themselves up to kill infidels in America.

    Are you retarded? As in mentally handicapped?

  • Do you even realize when you generalize you only make yourself look ignorant?

  • No I did not. But I will still pray for your salvation.

  • They do not, they hate their own kind too.

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