How does misdemeanor affect employment?

If I am charged with a misdemeanor, is it going to haunt me forever. I am 20


Well, a girl my mother works with said that all job applications ask if you have ever been charged with such....


  • It depends on what you did, where you live, and where you are applying...also on how long ago you got the charge!!!!

    I am about to be charged with a misdemenor for loitering (friends were doing baddddd things ;))

    my boss read about my arrest in the local paper and confronted me, that if i get charged with loitering i will be fired on the spot, so i have to keep him up to date on it now! (the place i work is really strick about that sort of thing though, as i work at a catholic hospital

  • Depends on the employer. Many government agencies will hire somebody with a misdemeanor, depending on the misdemeanor. Many private sector companies will also. Then there are some companies don't want to know you if you have been convicted of any crime.

  • Criminal Records Search Database -

  • usually only felonies really matter, and most job applications say have you been convicted/jailed for a crime.

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