im traveln from texas to florida do i need a passport?

im 14 and going to florida with my aunt and i dont have i passport but do i need a passport to go from texas to florida and back


  • you're kidding right?

    you don't need a passport to travel within the UNited States

    sorry if i sound mean but im 14 and i've known that since i was about 7

  • You do not need a passport to travel between states. It is recommended to have a state photo ID/driver's license though.

  • A passport is for international travel. You're not traveling internationally.

    And if you really did need one, you left it way too late to be asking.

  • passports are only for country to country travel. You don't need one for any travel within the U.S.

  • All of the answers here are correct. You don't need one. HOWEVER, your parents are obviously proud Texans and have raised you (correctly) to believe that Texas was and should be again a country all by itself!

  • No. You only need one to go to a foreign country.

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