Does marijuana block my (un)natural senses?

I find that I dream, or get my "feelings" or "warnings" if I do not smoke marijuana. I feel like I have a good ability to observe others for what type of human they are on a completely different level than them. I feel as though no one thinks the way I do. Hence my point if no one is able to answer my question, if you do not know then you do not understand.


  • i think it does in my opinion....i have never heard anyone else say that they have ability to observe others for what type of human they are.....i got chills reading that.....i to have felt that way for a long time and never told anyone. i smoked weed for years, i recently stopped (21 days so far!) the dreams i have been having are UNBELEIVABLE!

    they are so candid and real and i remember them vividly everynight, I have dreams every night about people that i havent seen or thought about in years

    the other night i dreamed a NUN i had in high school died,,,,i went so far as to look thru the obituaries to see if she was there.....she wasnt and i laughed it off

    later that day mom called me to tell me that a NUN i had in grade school died......i just had the wrong NUN in my dreams....

    its weird...i like how you think tho!

  • One of the reasons that I started smoking pot was because my dreams and premonitions were too intense...and since I was a kid, I have suffered night terrors. I numbed myself for years with pot. Later, I found ways to balance things out within myself and I lost my craving for it.

    But when I first stopped and went into detox mode, I had wild dreams and some were very terrible nightmares. I had to counsel myself on it in the mornings and then I learned how to change the course of my nightmares when I was in my sleep.

    After that, things just sort of evened out. Now I have regular dreams and I have precognitive dreams and when I do have a nightmare, sometimes I get to kick someone's a** and that is really cool. :)

    And yes, when I smoked pot I think it was the Angels that kept me out of danger and they were probably working over time because it really did numb my intuition in my waking state too.

    I have heard that other people have the exact opposite experience with it though.

    Question, have you ever read up on lightworkers? If you are interested, let me know and I will email you an article about it. The things you say such as: you feel as though no one thinks the way you do, is one of the signs of being one.


    Oh yeah, there is nothing unnatural about your senses, even your sixth senses are completely natural. ;)

  • The answer is yes. Marijuana does interfere with the six sense. Most Wicca covens (like mine) completely discourage the usage due to this interference. Your "feelings" are held bound until your sub-conscience is subdued and THC blocks the chemicals in your body released by sleep or deep meditation.

  • I'm not sure about the rest of your question, but smoking pot does inhibit the ability to recall dreams.

  • Smooking the reefer can cause you to relax and reduce your inhibitions. The cheeba can make you more laid back and not really care about intense emotion (real or imagined).

  • It also makes you stupid.

    Why do you think they call it dope?

    If you get caught with it can you say Hello jail?

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