Egypt:: Why do most Arabs despise....?

Asians?? i myself am an Arab... but i don't see a reason to despise someone coz of their race..

and no, i'm not being mean or nasty... this is actually true...

almost every Arab i know who lives in an Arab country despises them....



Please take no offence from this Q... i didn't generalise or steryotype :S

and sorry if ur offended



@ Sunny:: this inspired the Q..

and i don't befriend racists BTW ;)


  • 1-Arabs are Asians

    2-I never heard of Arabs despising Asians...

  • Arabs are Asians XD

  • You can't generalize , because not all arabs despise asians . But i agree with YO! , All arabs despise and hate Israel .

  • My sister. Are you looking to the situation from the narrow angle only?

    What I see is that you generalize and stereotype from your surroundings; which is not reliable. Also, you separated yourself from being an Arabian; and started to judge them as if your are not one of us. Finally, with all respect I disagree with you. I met very respected and civilized Arabs, and I met those bad people too; so you can't make a statement of this......Good Luck

  • Uhmmmmm I don't despise anyone except for "Israelis." I don't see why arabs would hate Asians.

  • Dude you're generalizing.. not bec your friends despise Asians it means all Arabs do…your question simply lacks creditability, so please provide solid proof before you post a silly dumb question

  • well,it IS very common in the Middle East for Asians to be a maid at a rich persons villa,but other than that,i don't see why Arabs would DESPISE Asians....

  • never noticed this

    i have many friends who are Asian

    even family friends so i duno

  • Hindus is need to send them back to them country

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