An example of a renewable energy resource is - a. Coal b. Petroleum c. Biomass d. Natural Gas?

* new question.

An example of a renewable energy resource is

a. Nuclear

b. Tidal/Wave

c. Natural Gas

d .Petroleum


  • You're first question is a bit of a trick question. The answer your teacher wants is "C Biomass. However that answer is actually not correct. It is not a renewable energy. All biomass produced energy today is dependent on modern commercial farming. Modern commercial farming is COMPLETELY dependent on petroleum products. Take away the petroleum to make the chemical fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, ect and the petroleum to run all the machinery there would be zero way for biomass energy to work. So even though your teacher wants that for the answer, your teacher is not correct.

    The answer to the next question is "B tidal/wave." Everything else can be used up, even nuclear. Eventually the earth would run out of enough uranium to feed the nuclear reactors.

    Only tidal/wave energy will last as long as the moon is near enough to earth's orbit.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  • Is Coal Renewable Resource

  • All of the above.

    Nuclear can use "breeder reactors" which create their own fuel as they use fuel

    Tidal power is there all the time... it can't be used up

    Natural gas comes from natural processes in the earth and decaying biomass. It takes a long time to renew but it's constantly renewing

    Petroleum is also a naturally occurring substance that is constantly renewing.

  • All 3 are renewable, BUT at a much slower pace than we are using them. There is a big difference between "renewable" and "sustainable" resources. Of the 3, natural gas can be collected from landfills or sewage (manure) pits at a faster rate, and can be burned to produce limited amounts of electricity.

  • There is a step-by-step video guide online right now that can show you how to reduce your power bill by making your own solar panels.

    Take a look at it:

    Why pay thousands of dollars for solar energy ($27,000 average cost) when you can build your own solar panel system for just a fraction of the retail cost. You can build a single solar panel or you can build an entire array of panels to power your whole house.

    Some people are saving 50% on their power bill, some people are reducing their bill to nothing. But what’s most impressive is that just by following these instructions some are even making the power company pay them!

  • 1st answer is Biomass and the 2nd is Tidal/Wave

  • What you have missed out of the equation is time, given time all is renewable.

  • The answer to the first question is C

    The answer to the second question is B

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