how do I get over my paranoia?

Originally I put this in the STD thread, but I kind of think that it might belong over in mental health...

Over three months ago I had an unprotected sexual encounter with a friend who had only had one sexual partner before me(it was my 1st sexual experience of any kind). Since that time I have been very paranoid and guilty. I got tested at three weeks because they said that was the earliest I could be tested for herpes(I've had an almost irrational fear of herpes since a close friend of mine contracted it several years ago). My results were negative. I have been back about four times since because I was afraid something was an std. I have been to two different clinics and seen multiple doctors. They have all told me that it is paranoia and I have nothing to worry about. A few weeks ago(at the three month period) I went back and got another blood test. It came back negative.

Still, when anything goes wrong or I have an infected ingrown hair(I picked at it like crazy the other day) I am convinced that I have herpes. I feel really guilty about what happened with my friend. How can I stop my paranoia? Also, I don't really have a reason to believe that my friend was ever exposed to herpes(of course, nothing is for certain, I know that). I guess my question is more like.... has anyone else experienced paranoia like this? And if so how did you get over it? I don't know why this is driving me crazy.


  • If all that hasnt helped , the negative tests, the mind focus on reality, logic, then you see something is keeping you from accepting that, perhaps your self stated guilt...

    Here is a free basic healing tool that will not be there again after jan 15th because he is retiring, see below... i would appy that to all of this

    or see a therapist... or both

  • I would just relax. Calm down. dont think about it. You only THINK you got the Herps because you wont stop thinking about it. Your mind is playing tricks on you. you DO NOT have them. Youll be ok. =)

  • You need to talk to a therapist. You may be a hypochondriac.

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