Do I have a six pack?

Hi, I'm 13 and when I layer down on my back I bent over a little, and I think I saw a six pack, I could see the line that goes through my stomach and I touched the bumps that were on the side of the line they were hard. But when I stand up straight there gone. Is this a six pack if so how can I make it more visible when I stand up?


  • it sounds like you have one, just you need to work on it more for it to show not just when you bend over. good luck.

  • If your 13 you shouldn't be answering this question. But anyway, I know this kid that is 95 lbs and is 5' 7". He looks like he has a 6 pack but when you poke it, it is soft and squishy. If your 13 you shouldn't be worried about it yet. And if you can't see it when you stand up without flexing then you have a long way to go. It's not likely but if you try to work out you will mess up your growth and also if you have just a six pack and no other muscles that are defined and wiry or corded then you look disproportional and stupid. Don't worry about it. When you get to high school, make the first thing you do is get friendly with the wrestling coach and sign up.

  • Everyone has a six pack. Just a matter of making it visible

  • Well it definatly sounds like it, umm I'm not sure what do to to make it more visible but I think doing a lot of crunches/situps would help:)

  • no, you are just skinny. your abdominal muscles are probably the same as mine, and im 900 pounds. its only that yours are more visible. but again, no, u do not have a "six pack"

  • your 13? your just skinniny, you want a six pack- invest in Inversion Boots and do situps

  • Everyone has a sixpack, there's just fat covering it. If you lost that excess fat over your stomach, then it'd be more visible lol.

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