how do peacocks mate?
i've heard that when a peacock wants to mate with a peahen he opens up his tail feathers and tries to impress the female and when the peahen doesnt accept him he starts crying (or maybe she does accept him and then he starts crying?) but anyway. And then the peahen drinks the peacocks tears and thats how she gets herself uhh pregnant and that this is why peahens are considered to be the most purest creatures on this earth (you know since they dont really lose their V) I've read and heard this from like a dozen people. IS IT TRUE?
EXACTLY like every other bird on the planet=CLOACA TO CLOACA.
That stupid story is obvious BULLSHIT!
When mating season comes, the peacock puts on a show to attract the peahen. The peacock raises his long colorful tail feathers into the air and shakes them. The shaking of his tail feathers sounds like leaves rustling in the wind. The peacock faces the peahen, with his rustling tail feathers and follows her around making loud mating calls. If the peahen takes interest, she will allow the peacock to mate with her. The peacock mounts on top of the peahens back and deposits his sperm into her sexual organ located on her back.
^ that is how peafowls/peacocks mate..
well the male peacock takes out his penis, then, he puts it in the female peacock's vagina
They are just like every other animal on earth duh!