Why do atheists constantly?

Try to persuade me that every Christian believes in a 6,000 year old earth? I've never met a Christian (and I've lived nearly everywhere; Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Arizona, Georgia, California, Texas (I'm a refugee, BTW) who believes in such a thing, and all I can find is some crazy Youtube videos that have no one talking in them. Surely Atheists don't think that a certain proportion of Christians speak for all of them...


Well, see I've been a refugee and while living in those states, I asked about what Christians in the States thought about evolution and they all said it's lie.

And I was like "Alright, fine".

And so when they preceded to tell me the story of creation, they didn't put a time scale on it (I'm sorry if you are having difficultly understanding my English, it's not my first language). I even asked, "so how old do you think the earth is" and they responded with "what does it matter?" They didn't seem to care, but now that I see that on youtube (thunderf00t, most infamously) people are claiming that all Christians believe in a 6,000 year old earth, I was kind of shocked. I'm a Hindu, so it doesn't affect me, but I was in disbelief when I heard that...

Update 3:

Also, I'm sorry if the post seems ironic because I'm generalizing Atheists, but they are the only ones who I know that make the claim. No one else makes the claim that all Christians believe in a 6,000 year old earth.


  • There is a group of christians who call themselves Young Earth Creationists (YEC). I have only met a few of them. I have never thought all christians believe the same as YEC crackpots.

  • I'm a Christian, and I'm pretty sure that we all don't think the same thing. lol.

    I don't believe the Earth is 6,000 years old.. because I'm not for sure how old it is.

    I've never really researched it, but I know we have the time "Before Death" and "After Death" which shows the years of the Earth, but that's when civilization STARTED counting it, so I don't know if it's possible to know for sure; although I know scientists think they know.

    Anyways, I'm not for sure about the whole Atheist thing, but I know that most friends that I have that are Atheist are always trying to shove down my throat that God doesn't exist (I'm just talking about MY friends, not ALL Atheists, lol. because I do know SOME that are very understanding, and we avoid religion talk so we don't have to argue! lol)

    It's really disheartening, I don't preach to them as to why God exists, so I shouldn't have to hear their opinion.

    Anyways, I'm getting off topic, lol.

    But, no, we do not all think alike, NO ONE thinks alike based on religion, culture, etc.. it's all just stereotypes.

    Everyone has their individual stuff!

  • Most of the people who claim that the bible says the earth is only 6000 years old are atheists or others who don't know what the bible really says

    There are some christians who believe that the earth is 6000 years old, but they cannot prove that belief to be true through scriptures

  • I know many Christians that claim God is a liar with His Genesis account. So you are a Christian that is trying to look good in the eyes of non believers. Why not be a Christian who looks good in the eyes of God and be mocked for it. The Lord will reward those who trust and follow His truth. Is how old the earth is really the issue, or the salvation of souls?

  • I don't think you're talking to the right Christians.

    About half of US adults believe "God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so."

  • Time is relevant to the entities involved. The easiest way I can explain this is the following story.

    A believer was talking to God and asked him if a million dollars was like a penny to him ?

    God said YES.

    He then asked if a million years were but a second to him ?

    God answered Yes.

    He then asked, God, Can I have a Million Dollars ?

    God replied ,,,,,,, In a SECOND.

  • I find that atheists often use the word "creationists" over christian a fair bit. If they don't just call them out on generalizing.

  • As I am always being told, don't generalise christians, please don't do the same for Atheists. I for one never knew about the 6000 year old earth till I came on here.

  • Well... you already pointed out the irony of saying that "all" atheists that this about all Christians... so i guess you answered your own question? The people saying these things are not the spokesmen for the groups they align themselves with.

  • Then you must have been a shut-in when you lived in Texas and Georgia, because I've met them, and I don't even live in the Bible belt.

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