Ideas For A PHOTO SHOOT For A Teenager???

My big sister who is also a photographer is going to use me as a model for her shoot

but the thing is that she has asked me to come up with ideas touse

and i cant think

they have to be ones i can do around a home and

if it helps

i like music and werid and different things


xx Emily


  • I would probably suggest u to use a prop some thing which can make you look bright and something u can fiddle with... umbrella... mobile... fruits... chair... or anything along those lines...


  • a exciting element to do is to pass to a thrift save and purchase some loopy clothing or dresses and pass to a park and take photos. Or do a shoot with some gothic clothing or perhaps been take a glance at some horror videos and attempt to re inact them or in simple terms the clothing and take photograph's gown up as adult adult males. lol or pass someplace unique

  • look up the art game "exquisite corpse"

    it's where you take a pic of different body parts and make it a collage, with more than one person being in the collage

    you could also look for interesting lyrics in your music and try to take a shoot around that theme

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