Do you prefer Windows Xp over Windows Vista?

Im just wondering because Windows Vista annoys me. There seems to be too many messages coming up when I want to do something. And it seems like I spend a lot of my time reading messages rather than doing what I want to do.

Which do you prefer; Vista or Xp? And why?

Or do you prefer another operating system such as Windows 98?

What operating system are you using at the moment?


  • I`m using xp pro because it's the most developed one until now, vista has a long way to go that if windows 7 is not gonna stomp all over it. User control in Vista is pretty annoying but at least it`s more secure than xp.

    I would recommend sticking with Vista for now and getting Windows 7 next year.

  • I'm using Vista and i prefer it over XP. Everything is so much quicker! I remember i built a system and i had big problems trying to install XP on it. So i decided to install Vista on it and it was a breeze... I did initially get problems but Vista literally tells you what problems you have and recommends solutions. And with Vista SP1 service pack and the many updates i think its as stable and secure as XP!

  • Im using Vista i will continue too until a new Windows OS

  • I prefer Vista over XP, its just easier to control, especially on the administrative side.

    And you can easily turn off/limit UAC anyway, so for me its no longer a problem.

    When Win7 rear's its head Ill have a look at it, maybe dual-boot it with Vista(we can get Windows for free off uni :D) but I wont jump ship straight away.

    Personally I think people who replace Vista with XP or demand a XP PC these days are mad.

  • No XP is old hat now Vista is the way forward.

  • I prefer Ubuntu. Snag version 8.10. It's free.

  • XP.Tried and tested.


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