Ceremony or No ceremony?

My fiancee and I want to celebrate our marriage with our family in a reception, but we are not sure if we want to have a formal ceremony (maybe just a small thing in the courthouse).


  • A lot of people have the ceremony at the reception place

    They have the JOP come to the reception hall

    I have seen some very informal ceremony's

    With people standing around for a quick 15 minutes or less

    I have seen people have a lot of have a fancy wedding ceremony at the place

    Both works

    You do not have to go to the courthouse, you could have an informal wedding ceremony that is quick to the point at the reception hall

  • That's fine, but at least give your family the option of attending. Otherwise, there's no need for a reception. We got married on the beach with 8 guests, family and very close friends. Then we treated them all to dinner. They enjoyed seeing the vows being exchanged, and it was nice having them there.

  • Whatever the two of you agree on will be just fine for you. Take the time to talk through the pro's and con's of a ceremony.

  • If you can't decide see what your family would like. They'd probably love to see you guys have a ceremony. Or maybe they wouldnt mind if you did something quicker.

    I don't think you could regret having a ceremony, right?

  • Having a small court house wedding followed by a regular reception is perfectly fine. Many people do it. Best wishes!

  • Ceremonies are nice, to have your family and friends watch you become one together. I would say ceremony. But it is your choice.

  • What do you want to do, it's your celebration?

  • What do yo want and what can you afford

  • Talk it out.

  • Do what YOU and your fiance want to do.

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