do Lucid dreams come true ?

im just wondering if they can come true because i think i have been having Lucid dreams of my own. can they come true. are lucid dreams your possible future if you act the way everything is suppose to happen then it will come true? i think i have been having lucid dreams.


  • Dreams in general can come true ...lucid or not. A few of mine have..

  • Precognitive dreams come true, but most have no lucidity involved. Lucid dreams are self-directed, so if a dream is both lucid and precognitive, the self-directed parts are extremely unlikely to come true.

    There are some cultures who teach their children to confront all their fears in dreams to gain courage in waking life.

  • Well Olivia we both know that all things are possible... But lucid dreams are part of growing up when your body and Idea's are rapidly changing... And only once did one of my lucid dreams came true and I did spend a few day in the Hospital recovering from what those 4 women did to me XD... But if I were you I would really wait for the right guy to come along for the wrong guy can really mess up a beautiful dream........................................................

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