UFOs a controversial political subject?

Would you consider the existence of UFOs a controversial political subject? I have to do a report on a controversial political subject for class, I was thinking of writing about how the governement has continued to disprove mass UFO sightings such as the Pheonix Lights and other cases. I find the subject interesting but i was wandering if you guys consider this to be a political subject?


  • Not in the least. No political party of any standing in any country of the world takes UFOs seriously. Politicians as a class are not interested in evidence when it conflicts with policy until it clouts them over their collective head but in this case the evidence is so weak that being hit with it is like being assaulted by a butterfly.

    People do see things in the sky. There was a fair bit of investigation into this during the 1960s and the conclusion was that 90% or more of reports were due to natural or man-made objects. Of the remainder there was fraud and incompetent witnesses. Now government in most countries does not bother to discount UFO reports in most cases, it simply ignores them.

    If you want a political subject think about global warming or maybe fluoridation of water, perhaps the ban on the use of DDT.

    There are some nuts and lying on one side or the other of these questions but plenty of reasonably sane and honest people too.

  • Watch the UFO documentary about the 1948 Aztec UFO Crash in New Mexico, this is a good example to detail. How after Roswell, the military did a clean up on this other site, in which there were no leaks, as in Roswell - a year later they learned to do it properly. Yet, something remained afterwards at this site - a road that cut there, and a concrete slab with which to steady a crane, so as to lift the UFO onto a truck.

    It is political - because obviously the government's complete denial, is to manipulate and control the people - by controlling the information about UFOs.

    For over 50 years now, we do know that UFOs do not pose a security threat at all --- because we have had no experiences of hostile aliens attacking earth and it's people, etc etc. World wide there has been no reports of this. If they were hostile - there would have been a few incidents reported - but there has been none to date. Not even one which may be construed that way.

    Information from the government is always political. Just look at 9-11 - how we get a sanitised version of events, which don't make any sense at all and is not credible (see Dr. David Ray Griffin's summary). This could be your other choice for a subject?

    And look at the Iraq invasion - 3 trillion dollars.. so far.

  • That would have to do with government secrecy, rather than politics which is more to do with two adversarial sides wanting to do different things. There's a difference between "politics" and the business of government.

    A controversial matter might be something in public discussion to do with Iraq, disarmament, race relations, or if you're looking for something a little more on the fringe, whether Lyndon LaRouche is correct in maintaining that the Queen of England is a drug trafficker.

  • While there may be theories concerning UFO sightings and the government's explanation (or lack thereof) for such phenomena, I don't believe that the subject qualifies as a political controversy.

  • I do not believe any government people consider it controversial. Only the UFO fans do, because they think the government is hiding things from them. They believe there is a conspiracy of silence. This would be controversial, if true. But it isn't true.

  • Area 51 is a politically controversial subject

  • I know it's cool and sexy to think about it, but in all the years of men just like me and you working in the government no artifact of UFO orgion has ever surfaced to account for it.

    is there life on other planets, I have to say yes, amino acids for example very readiliy form in the right envirnonment. did they evolve into life...again yes. are they here? no

    there is no proof. as a political subject...haven't seen it in polls, most UFO zealots are ignored, check out youtube for penn and teller BS alien abductions. science needs fact,

    yes we have neighbors, but physics like science has rules and they are to far away to have kickass keggers and cross species alien sex with. I know it sucks, but oh well, when was life ever fair.

  • the UFO subject is a political phenomena

  • same intercourse Marriages: For Marijuana Legalization: against Abortion: professional-determination, son Obama: For faith: against unlawful Immigration: impartial the assumption of Evolution: For? against? it somewhat is already been shown. purely moronic creationists could refuse to honestly look on the information. loss of life Penalty: against good/greater useful Gov.: For Stem cellular learn: For Communism/Socialism: impartial. The philosophies are good, yet humanity's organic greed ruins it. Assisted Suicide or Human Euthanasia: For

  • no, not since roswell has UFO's been a political subject.

    they aren't real; every picture is fuzzy or distorted and there's no scientific proof of them.

    so no its not a subject.

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