Who makes more Automotive tech or paramedic?


  • Hard question. Paramedics are paid by the state or by the company they serve. Automotive techs are paid by the company they serve or by their own self-employment.

    I would say that MAYBE automotive techs make more, but there are a ton of them out there - especially those who do not go to college end up fixing cars as one possible career path for them. Paramedics though, they do wonderful things. Save lives, or attempt to, on a daily basis. Get people to hospitals quickly and safely. College required, yes, although thankfully not quite as much as a doctor would. Making lots of money? Meh, enough to have a comfortable life most likely. But the rewards, my gosh...are so much more important anyway.

  • Auto Tech can surely make more than a paramedic. If you do well in your car repair then you can make more money by how many jobs you do and what they are, then you could make very large salaries.

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