Anything pickled will eventually "expire", but it takes so long that nobody worries about it. If you have open pickles, enjoy them over time and they'll be just fine.
I have two jars of pickles in my fridge and they both have expiration dates. They're not special pickles either, I got them from the grocery store. Maybe you're not looking hard enough.
Yes pickles do have an experation date. You'll have to leave them in the jar for about ten years and they will start to grow themselves in the pickle juice. I've seen it before.......its nasty.
Anything pickled will eventually "expire", but it takes so long that nobody worries about it. If you have open pickles, enjoy them over time and they'll be just fine.
most people don't keep pickles long enough to expire and unless the jar gets contaminated with something, probably not.
I have used left over pickle juice to make pickled eggs, pickled veggies, more pickles. However this is with boughten pickles left over juice.
Main Entry: bought·en
Pronunciation: \ˈbȯ-tən\
Function: adjective
Etymology: bought + -en (as in forgotten)
Date: 1738
chiefly dialect : bought <the only boughten carpet in the region — H. W. Thomp
UH, since "boughten is in a dictionary, I suppose it is a word.
How about YOU look it up and see for yourself.
I have two jars of pickles in my fridge and they both have expiration dates. They're not special pickles either, I got them from the grocery store. Maybe you're not looking hard enough.
Yes pickles do have an experation date. You'll have to leave them in the jar for about ten years and they will start to grow themselves in the pickle juice. I've seen it before.......its nasty.
pickles are already spoiled. So you are good.
doubt it because theyre in a brine of salt and vinegar
No they are too well preserved.