No periods at 13!?

I'm 13 and i havent started my periods yet! I'm 14 in December and i wanna have it before then! Is there a reason why? I'm 5''2 and i'm 6 stone. Is this the right weight for having periods? I know it hurts, but trust me i want it lol. I get teased because i havent started ): Any foods you can eat that start it?

I have white, gooey discharge and i've had it for like 2 years! My body must be ready D:

Haha i sound crazy, but yeah please help ^_^


  • Yes, you are definately ready. You just literally have to wait and be very patient. I wasn't worried, and it just came. I was like, oh my periods here, and it wasn't a really big deal to me, and some girls freak out and panic, really it's okay. It's all just a part of growing up. (oh and I got mine when I was 13!) Ignore the people who tease you!! Seriously you are lucky that you don't have yours yet. You should be like, ha ha, at least I don't have to deal with having one! They are just teasing you because they are jealous that you don't have your period and they do. You'll get eventually. Just wait it out..

  • Well young will come soon enough and will last for the next 5 or 6 decades so just be patient. Some things to consider are

    1. at what age did your mother begin menses? part of this science is hereditary

    2. are there any underlying issues like hyperthyroidism or decreased hormone production?

    3. are you an athlete? some female athletes i.e. runners delay or even at some point stop having periods due to increased amounts of lean muscle mass.

    4. are you pregnant? hopefully not, but there studies that show girls who are rounding puberty but have not begin menses are still able to get pregnant

    There are many reasons and factors to why you haven't begun, 13's not late, some people don't begin to menstruate until 16 or so but it does seem that the average age has decreased in the past few decades, some girls start as early as 8. So don't be alarmed. Give it a little more time and then speak w/ your parents and your Dr.

  • It will come when it comes. Everyone gets it at different ages. Don't let other people make fun of you for it, everyone is different as i said before. If you try to do something to make your period come faster, it will either 1. have no results at all or 2. be harmful to your body. Just let your body take its time. And plus, the discharge has been coming for 2 years? Yeah, it's coming any time now! (oh and p.s. it's not that great, trust me!)

  • You know back in the day girls didnt start getting thier period until around age 17. Just give it some time. Trust me, once you have it youll be wondering why you wanted it.

  • some girls don't get it until there 16... I wish I hadn't started until then but I got mine when I was 13. Yours will probably start soon, but count yourself lucky. Periods suck! If girls are teasing you just tell them you started because they won't be able to prove that you haven't and it's none of their business.

  • Some girls don't get it until they're 17 so you still have plenty of time. Since you already have the discharge it might come pretty soon. Ask your mom and sisters when they got theirs and you'll know somewhat when yours may start.

  • Don't panic - I didn't get my first period till I was 15 and half. Enjoy it while you can, you have the rest of your life to suffer the inconvenience of periods. It has nothing to do with fertility either - I have had 4 kids.

  • dont worry till ur 16

    if u want just tel ur friends uve started! lol, how r they gunna know

    and u need to be about 7 stone minimum to get your period, but that may vary but thats the average

  • ur body will start when its ready. u just have 2 b patient

  • haha your lucky u havnt gotten it...but i didnt get mine till i was 15, but theres nothing u can do to make it come faster...all girls are different too

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