Why is Obama a good president???????

I'm curious...all he seems to do is destroy everything he touches, just like a 6 year old.


  • 1. Ummm....well....ok, on to the next!

    2. Well there was the closing of Gitmo...oh...nevermore!

    3. He did lower our debt....oh, he raised it you say.....your racist!

    4. He united our nation....oh wait while i take this knife out my back!

    5. Sandy, Fema and 8,000 people still without electricity...oh...obama is not responsible...oh.....but bush was...how stupid of me!

  • Being a good President is a matter of opinion. Opinions are like ******* everybody has one, and I think some voted for him using that part. Like those who voted for him they proved their opinion was not in the best interest of the Nation. Like before some will claim he has done so much good but they will forget what he screws up. Like the unions stepping up in a show of strength. Companies will be putting them on the unemployment lines because they are sick of Government regulations and union bullying. Unemployment on the rise Again. Obama turned the people against the companies the companies are rebelling by closing the doors on unions.It is only beginning. Even Obama can' stop companies from closing because of his agenda but they can show him who is running the country. Ready to Eat Crow Obama?

  • Shame on Baraq for signing the insane "stimulus" waste of $800 billion.

    If McCain had been elected he would have negotiated with Congress for a $250 billion infrastructure program.

    The recession would have ended and things would be back to normal by now.

  • Obama is a good president in creating record number of American on foodstamp.

  • The red suit and white beard are beloved.

  • Na you're thinkin of bushy dumbass.

  • I don't see that.

  • You mean like the stock market gaining 6,000 points after he took over . THAT destruction ?

    Or do you mean record profits for businesses ?

  • because he's NOT?..(just a thought!)

  • Well he sure destroyed al-Qaeda.

    Did he destroy GM?

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