Camera Pictures Help! Pleasee?

Okay, so in a few days, I'm going to Washington DC on a school trip and I'm taking my camera, the problem is however my camera can only hold about a 100 pictures at a time and I plan on taking more.

I can't bring my computer, but I can bring my phone, The Droid, what can I do so I can empty my camera so I can take more pics?!

Thanks so much!


  • More or bigger memory cards OR take smaller pictures. There should be something in the menu about large fine or small normal, etc. You want to set it lower. So one picture takes up 140kb instead of 9MB. this way you can take more than 1000 photos on the card you have now instead of 100.

    Look up resolution in the manual.

  • How about a couple of extra memory cards? There is this too..

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